Though it has been far too long since I last posted (yeah, I know it's been longer than 6 months...whatever, life got crazy and I took a tax preparation job to pay the bills), I aim to throw my updated goodness out here anyway. I have successfully graduated, found a new job, and begun to loathe the idea of paying financial institutions back for that hard-spent money they gave me to earn my master's. So, did I land a career in the field of my major? Of course not. Since when does that ever really happen? Haha!
Now, after a PhD is earned, it is almost always guaranteed that you can find a job in your field. Obviously, I don't desire to earn a PhD right away or I wouldn't be working for the state. So, as I continue to quietly dream of one day owning my very own piano studio out of a decent-sized-but-not-over-the-top house, I will pay the piper my dues and continue to research ways to make sure my business plan succeeds when the time for grant and loan applications comes around (I'm thinking 5 years tops).
As for the furry children, they are getting along handsomely with the new cat toys and miscellaneous treats and collapsible furniture I bring home (by collapsible, I mean paper sacks from the grocery store and Avon boxes). May be moving soon, and stairs may be involved. Can't wait to see how that goes down.